Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Robert Park Photography: "Horseshoe Bend" By Robert Park http://www.robert-...

Robert Park Photography: "Horseshoe Bend" By Robert Park http://www.robert-...
 Horseshoe Bend’” I have photographed this area numerous times, yet the sense of drama, space, and magic had eluded me for many years due to the deep canyon and harsh light of the desert. I had envisioned a twilight image with streams of light cascading across the sky, giving a soft gentle glow to the deep gorge that lay ahead of me. I spent four nights in Page, Arizona waiting on the edge of a storm until the conditions were correct. On the third day a light snowfall precluded a successful image, however on the last day the storm began to clear. Beautiful threads of light and clouds streamed across the sky, while the foreground basked in the radiant glow. It was then that I created Horseshoe Bend. Located at Page, Arizona. © Robert Park

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